Cróga Coaching

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Progression parkrun | Mountjoy Ireland

Date of Visit: Dec 3rd 2022


We completed a parkrun in Mountjoy prison this morning. How did we find out about this? I don’t recall it being mentioned at the only conference we attended in 2019. It’s August 12th 2022 one of the warmest days of the year and we’re on our apartment balcony in Dublin trying to figure out exactly how we found out about parkruns in closed institutions and prisons.

Eventually we remembered the naming of Glen River parkrun. There is a closed institution with a parkrun called “The Glen” and parkrun HQ wanted to avoid drawing attention to this institution. I piped up and told our ambassador that our park is named Glen River park. The name Glen River parkrun should be considered leave out ‘the’. Kudos to John our ambassador he got the name over the line.

The Politico Soliloquy

I know what you’re thinking “Andrew did you just parkrun in prison? Yes I did. I took my pregnant wife as well but before we get bent out of shape let’s tell the story like Pulp Fiction go back and forward a few years and then when it still makes no sense at least we read a good story.

Firstly, let’s get the politics soliloquy out of the way. I was a card carrying Fine Gaeler until May 2022 when I joined the Civil Service. I remain a big advocate of Law and Order. If you’re a criminal I want the long arm of the law within reach of you at all times. But wait? what do I think about the guys and girls who’ve done their time? I can say hand on heart I did everything in my power to help them. Fine Gael are Law and order champions but I was in the younger egalatarian generation. If your debt to society was paid let’s get you back on track.

Now let’s really go down memory lane. In the Autumn of 2019 a social worker named Conor emailed me to see if the Mardyke Arena UCC could help those recovering from addiction. Conor was up front some of these men would have a criminal records. After the first meeting I knew I could help. 5 weeks later we launched a pilot one day a week in the gym until Christmas week. The worst thing I ever did on this program was leave my email signature on my first communication with the guys on the pilot programme. They saw BSc MSc looked me up, found my LinkedIn and worst of all they found out I graduated from Trinity College Dublin. Our first meeting in the foyer of the Mardyke Arena UCC I met 8 men from all walks of life. I could see their apprehension. A brief introduction went from “ Hi I’m Andrew the Lifestyle and Physical Activity Manager in the Mardyke Arena UCC” to “We’re addicts”. I could see them sinking. Julie my girlfriend (now wife) had me well warned by now that my introduction could frighten the life out of people. I’m not that guy. I can lift people up but I had to be smart enough to catch myself when I’m overbearing. This was one of those times. But wait says you “How did that kind of drive come on?”

Now briefly back to June 2014 . My education is a privilege and I remembered the real message of my graduation from Trinity the day I met these guys. In Trinity the Chancellor herself (Mary Robinson former President of Ireland) asks “Are you ready to accept your degree and the responsibility that comes with it?” She stands right in front of you and looks you dead in the eye for this. It’s powerful all her achievements in life added to the moment. The legacy of the Chancellor and Trinity the institution ask you to accept this responsibilty for life!!! Meeting these guys was one of those moments I had to be responsible. The Trinity commencement speech rang in my head that day as I looked across at these guys. “Once you step out of this room your life has changed. You are not just anybody you are a Master of Trinity College Dublin's time to step up and go get 'em.” I took that responsibility added it to my innate drive and when I met these guys when I heard “we’re addicts” I heard we were going to win. 8 weeks later we had a graduation for these guys. I told them at that commencement “You might be addicts but if you workout here you can study here in UCC as well”. 3 years later and we had hundreds of participants and a path into UCC organised.

I’m one tough knuckle dragging marathoner. I was not the smartest kid in school I kept acquiring skills and outworking my problems. I did however see friends fall into addiction. I had a chance to help here. I did everything in my power to protect and integrate these guys. We anonymised the program we grew it from 8 to 90 clients a year. I came up with follow on and exit strategies. I worked with the HSE (Yes I said HSE our health service). This HSE team had a drive about them. I was gutted leaving them but someone with real empathy took over.

Back in the present day when Mick D our Glen River parkrun friend gave us a serious helping hand to attend this progression parkrun we grabbed it with both hands.


The progression parkrun takes months to get into so I suggest reaching out early if you’re interested. The morning we arrived Amanda told us we’re booked every second week until May 2023. Richie and Amanda are the key organisers.

You are entering a prison for a parkrun. The instructions we got were “There is airport style security as you enter the prison and smart watches, including garmins, mobile phones, laptops, recording equipment are not permitted. Please do not bring any other valuables with you as there are no secure facilities to store your personal goods. DFYB as we cannot have "unknowns" at Progression parkrun!”. Please be respectful of this because the inmates are relying on your co-operation on the morning of the run.


You’ll run 6.5 laps of a prison with high walls barbed wire and manned by guards watching for trouble. We were greeted by John an inmate who had a degree and a masters. He gave us a very good overview of prison life including their recent music releases. In short John told us of overcrowding, over sentencing and a shortage of prison service staff. If we weren’t in a prison John could have been any other parkrunner.

Live a Little

20-30 inmates joined us from Mountjoy. We kept talking to them throughout the visit asking them about running, fitness, the world cup and life in general. They seemed intrigued by the Dublin Marathon. “8.5 parkruns in a row and your done” I cajoled. They hadn’t seen it like that before I could see them thinking it out planning a way forward. That was good. They asked about our parkrun experience. Julie did most of the talking here. “It goes on forever. Andrew is going to reach forty in a year and he recently reached a hundred. You have little and large wins. The milestones don’t stop. And you can always volunteer.” I could see the lads dreaming of a time when they wouldn’t be in Mountjoy parkrunning. That was good. A lot of problems in this life get resolved with a good social setting.


The inmates volunteer but it maybe best to ask about this if you want to volunteer. The contact email for progression parkrun is The waiting list to run is as far until May 2023.


This was parkrun 37 out of 40 for me in 2022.

Conclusion & Quote of the Week

“Be curious not judgemental.” Walt Whitman