About Me

My name is Andrew Burns BSc MSc and I’m a Health and Fitness Coach. I was a professional coach for 12 years in the Mardyke Arena UCC, Cork, Ireland. I helped hundreds of Cardiac patients rebuild their hearts after a cardiac event. I coached thousands of clients through initial weightloss and then sustained weightloss. I monitored and continue to monitor my returning client rate like a hawk because repeat business in weightloss is a failing health model. I finished in the Mardyke Arena UCC as Lifestyle and Physical Manager in 2022. My last client weighed in on my final shift and hit her target of a stone lost.

Today I work in Software Development specifically data analysis using Oracle APEX. Our future health will be client centered, data driven and influenced by a coach.

My coaching qualifications include: 

  1. MSc in Cardiac Rehabilitation and Prevention from Trinity College Dublin

  2. BSc in Physiology from University College Cork

  3. British Association for Cardiovascular Rehabilitation and Prevention (BACPR) Specialist Exercise Instructor

  4. Certified Special Population Specialist (CSPS) American National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). 

  5. Sports Nutrition QQI Level 6

In a nutshell, I want you to do some exercise every day, eat healthy food and see what these things do for your health.

Now to show I’m human and not a drill sergeant take a look at this horrible photo of me struggling through to the finish line of Rebel Run 10km road race. I may have run 17 km before the race as a warm-up. Alright you twisted my arm it was my last long run before the Dublin Marathon 2018 and I ran another 5 km home but like I said I’m human and I struggle with regular exercise and nutrition just like everybody else.

Rebel Run 2017.jpg

What’s Possible

Now here is a photo of me returning to Dublin Marathon in 2023 five year later. For most people hard work is the problem. To me it’s the first part of your results. 2023 was the same year my son was born, my wife Julie and I bought a house and I ran my third fastest marathon.

dublin marathon 2023

Dublin Marathon 2023

Don’t solve your problems overwhelm them.

The only two things I guarantee a client when they work with me are below

  1. Awareness

  2. Responsibility

This might seem too simple but awareness of what to do when exercising and eating healthy food is often curative. Responsibility is a two-way street where 1) I will help you increase your self-responsibility for your health and 2) I am responsible for what you learn from me and take into your life. Whilst you may be reassured of the scientific rigor behind the 6 letters after my name hard work will still be required by both of us in order for you to succeed. I will invest time, energy and focus into our relationship and I will invite, suggest and nudge for a return of said effort from you but I will not force it because this will ultimately leave you with less control of your exercise and nutrition and I am not that kind of coach.

Once you’re aware and your health is in your locus of control then we will put you in the driving seat. In the beginning I will teach you about good scientifically effective exercise and nutrition methods. Next I will observe your habits, ask open questions and make suggestions about how you arrange your lifestyle. Once you’re on the right path now you take over. In the later end of our 8 -10 week relationship often times you’ll come to think of me as a sounding board helping you see your own blind spots offering feedback on patterns you may not see and ultimately putting you in charge of the next step.

You can sign up for a consultation here

Physical Activity Achievements

  •  Running

    • 15 Half Marathons = 1st 1:46:10 Best 1:33:07(2018)

    • 8 Marathons = 1st 4:53:10 (2010) Best 3:28:42 (2017)

    • Best 10 Miler = 1:08:58 (In Cobh of all places)

    • 140 parkruns Best 5km = 20:30

  • Coaching Achievements

    • 2018 - 2022 Average client weight loss after 8 weeks coaching = 7.8 lbs

    • 2014 Coach of U21B County and City Champions St. Finbarrs NHF Cork (The first in the clubs history)

    • parkrun Event Director Tramore Valley

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