Part 7 | Obesity | How do we make the world move again?

We need more serious political involvement if we’re going to tackle Obesity. I went through an entire education system where physical education wasn’t valued. I sat in the grind schools that rolled their eyes when I mentioned that I was heavily involved in the GAA. I once had a teacher tell me my ability to speak Irish will be more important than Sport. Time has completely destroyed that advice. I worked for 12 years full time in Sport and Exercise. It has taken our society until 2020 to accept physical education as a leaving certificate subject. I’ve seen religious education make it into the exam system since 2005. In 2012 then Minister Ruairí Quinn wanted Philosophy as a leaving certificate exam subject. All the while the ticking nuclear time bomb of Obesity was approaching single digits. My argument was clear Religious Education and Philosophy are no good to you if you’ve died so young in life that you haven’t developed the patience and wisdom to appreciate them. Physical Education is the bridge to these parts of life. It comes first.

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Andrew BurnsComment
Part 6 | Lifestyle | Running with Child

It is very tempting as a husband/partner to bro science this part of your life. This has potentially dangerous consequences for your partner and future child. I was a full time coach for 12 years and I have several certifications in advanced rehabilitation. I helped heart transplant patients carefully rehab themselves. I was right in there when the game was dangerous. I also spent years helping organise the care of pregnant women in Aqua Natal and Pregnancy Pilates but that was the height of my knowledge. Agata, Jacqui, Lisa, Roisin, Eileen and Jessica delivered the evidence based classes and guidance. My records showed that I helped one lady with supervised training whilst she was pregnant. I wasn’t the physical activity expert my wife needed so I did the next best thing I rang a few old friends and found the right experts in Dublin. I made the first appointment and after that Julie followed through with the exercise regime. The reality now is Julie more adept than me in this area of exercise science. My advice is encourage with the guidelines above but I wouldn’t as a partner be the coach. We’re out of our league here lads.

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Andrew Burns
Cardiac Rehab | Can my Dad Exercise after a heart attack?

Cardiac Rehab is the “co-ordinated sum of interventions required to ensure the best physical, psychological and social conditions so that the patient with chronic or post acute cardiovascular disease(CVD) may, by their own efforts, preserve or resume optimal functioning in society and, through improved health behaviours, slow or reverse progression of disease. “(Taylor et al., 2004).

This was my pitch to the Mardyke Arena UCC in 2013. It’s also the reason I now advocate that every scientist be required to complete a business module. The General Manager and I were worlds apart here. It was at it’s essence a great idea do some exercise and see what it does for your health. I can here scientists yelling heretic through the screen. Too many robust scientific discoveries have died in the lab. I took this one out of the lab, out of the hospital and moved it into a Business Model built in online tracking, data analytics and if I’d had my way AI would have been next.

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Andrew Burns
Part 4 | How to manage your food and drink intake?

Subtract low quality high glycemic index food or add high quality low glycemic food. I prefer adding concentrate on adding the positive food. I often get clients to visualize themselves eating their way to a weightloss goal. If you think about it how else are you going to get there? At some point you will need to eat.

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Andrew Burns
Part 2 | Lifestyle | SMART Goals

The smart goal system is exactly that “a system”. Below is how to deploy the system. SMART goals are by design precise and that precision maximizes the goals efficiency to increase the goals resilience. The SMART goals are built for the heat of battle forensically removing barriers and propelling you forward. I know Mike Tyson said “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” but the SMART system make that mouth Iron and breaks Mikes hand it’s built to be tough

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Andrew Burns
Part 1 | Lifestyle | Goals

Goal setting is not a one size fits all venture. Circumstances matter. I ‘ll offer a personal story to illustrate this point. I didn’t run a marathon in 2022 because I was getting married. I had a rollover entry from the Dublin Marathon 2020 but my circumstances have changed dramatically since 2020. I went weightlifting 3/4 times a week at 6 am to make sure I fit into my suit. I didn’t have the time to commit to training for a marathon. Motivations matter. In 2022 my 10/10 on the priority list was looking strong for my future wife on April 22nd 2022. Finishing a Marathon was at a 1/10 on the priority list. In 2023 my life has changed I live and work in Dublin and Marathoning is back on the menu but we’re welcoming our first child in May 2023 so goal setting will be different.

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Running - On The Other Side

What campaign manager meant in reality was 15 or 18 hour days including my job and when it got hard I remembered rule 1 ‘Man the f**k up’. For Julie it was 10 times worse. She had to deliver enthusiasm and effective communication at every door email, online post, social media comment, text, call and letter. She literally went through thousands of job interviews in the space of 6 months and then less than 50% of people turned out to vote.

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Andrew Burns