Fairview parkrun | Fairplay to a First Class Fairview parkrun


According to the econonmist the word of the week is “revenge travelling”, to describe pent-up demand for getaways after time spent at home in the pandemic. Julie and I are definitely revenge travelling. We’re personally sticking it the Vladmir Putin by cycling to parkrun, work and anywhere that keeps us from buying oil. We’ve been to Pompeii, Naples and Rome on Honeymoon. We’ll be in Stormont in three weeks (we’re taking the train) and Aer Lingus have flights to Paris going for a song in November 2022. In keeping with my random sprinkling of politics in this blog revenge has travelled to Number 10 Downing Street this week where Boris Johnson felt the brunt of it. Most importantly it feels way better if you’re revenge travelling around parkruns in Ireland.

This week we visited Fairview parkrun right next to GAA HQ (Croke park) or as the locals told us the park is on top of the port tunnel.

First Class Welcome at Fairview

What a welcome. The first timers welcome and the RD speech were fantastic. The volunteers went out of their way to talk to everyone and get to know where the visitors came from. Highlights from the briefing included a hilarious description of the tail walker “They’re hear to finish last feel free to take a breather on the course and join back in when the tail walker encourages you”. Everyone got a shout out and I must confess I’m not that good as RD and I try very hard. Perhaps the most impressive piece was the set up and bunting.

The volunteers on pre event set up laid out what must have been over 100 cones to mark out the route. I thought we had our work cut with 6 arrows to lay out over the valley in Glen River but this was on a different level. I found myself thinking fairlplay to them they’re going for it. Next up was the Bunting. I was jealous as in so jealous I’m going to steal this idea, transfer it to Glen River and top it. I’m clearly not putting enough effort into new ideas for Glen River. I like this about parkrun tourism you believe your home parkrun is the best in the world and then you see something new, a clever RD speech or signature trait and you realise we’re good but the biggest room in the parkrun universe is the room for improvement. Maybe this was a much needed kick to get me thinking about progressing Glen River parkrun again.

The Course

The Fairview course is 3 laps. Personally I feel 3 laps makes the course feel longer. We’re also a 3 lapper at Glen River but we have one short loop and two long loops.. We commenced in Fairview on a downhill. You’ll fly down that hill and onto a long straight heading away from the main park. Then you’ll pan left like you’re leaving the park. At this point I smiled remembering the RD saying the “you’ll feel like your leaving the park resist the urge and finish you parkrun”. By the third lap you’ll feel the pull on the grass as you head passed the Skatepark and then left by the playground. From here it’s right down to the river and then uphill by the Dart Station. You should think I’m a bullet train at the top of the hill because once you get over the brow of that hill you’re back to the start and you have 3 laps do. I urged myself to hurry up as we sped down and around two more times. The finish is just a slight left off the start and there is room for a sprint if that low hanging branch isn’t in your face but to be honest that shouldn’t stop you with the slight left into the funnel. The morning I was there the heat was murder but this was July 9th 2022. The course is fast but it has it’s challenges. If you’re like me and the route has to go against you so you can pull out your need to exact revenge by finishing then this course is for you.


I can’t speak highly enough of Fairviews volunteers. Fantastic is the right word for fans of alliteration. Setting out the cones and the bunting was an effort beyond the call of duty. More than that they were interested in the area. They were involved in the local community and they wanted the area to do well. They were interested in visitors who came to run walk or jog as well.


Fairplay to Fairview park you’re a small parkrun on scale but you have a mighty big heart. Long may that heart pump you up on Saturday morning

Andrew Burns