Templemore parkrun | More in 24


I started running in 2024 aiming for more. I wanted more PBs. More in 24 became my mantra. What I didn’t expect as we approached Templemore parkrun was to hear that very essence of more in parkrun Matt and Ruth Shields were stepping down and retiring. Matt and Ruth have had a hand in every parkrun course throughout the country. Matt was particularly supportive to our volunteer teams in Cork. Ruth gave the Tramore Valley team a very interesting results processing tutorial in Lish cafe after one of their visits. I’ll be sad when they step down.

Journey around the parkrun World

Julie and I completed Templemore parkrun and reached 41 different parkrun locations throughout the world.


Stroller safe?

The course is incredibly flat and well kept set within pristine woodland. We had Edward in the stroller and he giggled away

Live a Little

There is a large part of this parkrun that takes place next to a lake and through some beautiful forrest land. Do what we did take it slow on your visit and take in more of this peaceful land.


Julie, Edward and I were late getting to the start line. I left us no margin by the time we left our house and begun the first leg of our journey home. Edward hit a poonami about twenty minutes before we were set to arrive at Templemore park. We arrived just in time to see the starters whizz passed. We trotted down to the start and caught up the tail walker. We didn’t get much of chnace to talk to the volunteers but never the less they deserve more volunteers and if you can volunteer please email templemore@parkrun.com


There is more parkrun to be found in Templemore

Quote of the Week

You should demand more from yourself. It should not be me demanding more from you. Nobody else. You. You should demand more from yourself.  Jose Mourinho

Andrew Burns