Tymon parkrun | An 8 Year Triumph

Julie and I visited Tymon parkrun on June 11th 2022. If you’re obsessed with fast, flat, gently curved and slightly downhill then this is the place to go. I’d go so far as to say this could easily hold a parkrun world record if a burgeoning Olympian has a free Saturday morning to cut loose with a barcode.

The RD brief revealed a soon to be 8 year operation at Tymon park. Congratulations to the team here. This is a huge achievement. 8 years volunteer led and going strong on the evidence of today. At the time of writing I find myself looking at the Glen and thinking 4 years in November and hoping it stands the test of time like Tymon. I’m kind of jealous of Tymon in that many of their characters have emerged and those in the Glen are still coming forward. The RD herself Gráinne told us how it had taken her a year to volunteer. I know this is the norm for parkrun worldwide but I’ve had to be more crafty in the Glen and I’ll need to replicate the model in Tramore Valley when we bring it back in July 2022. I believe you have to put your faith in the potential of your ever expanding volunteer team. I tell everyone in the Glen if you’ve volunteered more than twice you’re in line for the top job as RD. I consider the First Timer Welcome as Assistant RD. Volunteer Co-Ordinator is Deputy RD. I also have another card here which isn’t as obvious but worth sharing if we have a new RD come forward I’ll usually surround them in the roster with previous RDs and reassure them that we’re right here but on the morning you’re in charge we can advise but if you’re the leader. I know inverted Game of Thrones right? Creating more Kings and Queens to protect against parkrun demise but probably no surprise that our RD retention rate is high.

Back to Tymon and this also seemed to be the case we were greeted by a lovely man who told us this is the best parkrun in Dublin. You have others but we want you here every week and volunteering because we’re great craic. (My urge to volunteer immediately had to be restrained).

I could see what he meant the park is beautiful and that was just the wildlife but it also had everything going on at the same time GAA, parkrun, Rugby, Soccer and I’m pretty sure I seen a walking group as well. At one point on our run one of the GAA lads was trying to find his ball in a bush. A parkrunner saw it and kicked it back before powering on with his parkrun. On our next lap the GAA lads bent over backwards to thank him just in case he didn’t hear it the first time. You seem to only get this good will at parkrun and if the mighty GAA are acknowledging it you’ve got some game alright.

The Course

The course itself is a pleasure. Maybe it’s too much experience in the Glen going from trails to hills but when you run on a sublime surface it makes the parkrun more enjoyable. It flows better you can manage your pace easier which is exactly why pacing Julie to under 30 mins was easier than expected. Julie has been getting more determined about her activity recently. She is on the cusp of 50 parkruns a major milestone in the parkrun world and we’re on a tourism adventure in Dublin. The winds of motivation are at her back and my wife can sense opportunity like a Jedi wielding the force. She set her sights on under 30 mins this morning recruited me to pace her. Julie hung in their between 3 and 4 kilometers and as usual with 250 meters to go she flew home and left me for dead. Her sister Grace warned me at our wedding today will be the last time I have the upperhand.

Andrew Burns