Frank Duffy 10 Mile 2023 | Frank and Honest Lessons


I’ve never actually ran well at this race. And after today’s performance I’m starting to see a pattern. This race seems to be my learning curve. I arrived two minutes before the start got caught behind the entire field and instead of letting the field spread out and catch up over the ten miles I felt (or rather I panicked) I had to be back in position within four miles and then race. I was late because I misjudged the distance from my front door in Rathmines and the start line in Phoenix park. I ahd been running to Phoenix park for weeks on long runs. I should have been in wave one. That wasn’t the plan and if I do that on marathon day I’ll come apart royally. I could have easily said that our house sale almost falling through made me wobble but that isn’t the whole story and I know it.


I needed to be humbled by the distance, circumstances of day and other such lessons that came out of today. I needed to be reminded that the distance won’t kill you the pace if you get it wrong however will crucify you. I was overdue for a reality check. In running you can’t learn unless it all goes wrong and you still see the bits you got right and use them to rebuild. My learning curve was simple I finished after I had royal messed up. It didn’t matter that I was late arriving. I should have just hung back in the pocket and slowly moved through the gears. I slowed hugely in the last few kilometers but I didn’t stop I kept on my toes. I can still finish but my preparation and organisation were lacking. I shouldn’t have arrived late. To me lateness is rudeness and I tend to be ten minutes early for everything. Racing is no exception.

We recieved a bottle of Zero sugar Lucozade Sport in the bag. I was hanging for some real sugar after that race and I couldn’t figure out the recovery logic here. Runners need to refuel after a race. The first 90 mins are critical for replenshiing glycogen stores. This felt like we were being misled on the path to recovery. I noted this down and planned to pack my own Lucozade Sport for marathon day.


The course is tough. Chesterfield avenue is a slow incline and you put in miles on that part of the course. The paths around Furry Glen are narrow and twist sharply. ACRES road and military road undulate. The ACRES road loop is a massive open field and the wind is in your face most of time. If you need to know can you make it on Dublin Marathon Race day this is your testing ground and you need to finish it. The course will batter you physically and mentally and you need to overcome that because the marathon will do that and more. The park itself is beautiful. The slog won’t feel as bad if you look around and take it in.


You need to be frank and honest with yourself when preparing for a Marathon. The Frank Duffy 10 mile will keep you honest.

Andrew Burns