Courtbrack 5km Race

I came over the hill and my chest was raging. My lungs were stabbing me repeatedly and forcing my mind to think give up and go home. I couldn’t do that I was swept away in the excitement of finishing another race. My self talk kept saying push harder.....STOP WHEN YOU’RE DONE. 

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Andrew BurnsComment
Lee Fields 4 Mile Road Race 2018

Literally when you are running you are striving together with 100s, 1000s if not 10s of thousands. The spectators want to see you finish. You competitors want to see you finish. I want to read how you decided to write a blog about mastering mental health through running. So yes running is the hyperloop away from isolation and depression.

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Andrew BurnsComment
Cork Marathon 2018 City Half Marathon

What a rip roaring success. This has been not something I have ever said about the Cork Marathon. In fact, I was almost inexorably left disappointed every year since my first involvement in 2010 when it came to June and I ran some portion of the Cork Marathon.

We made course changes again to the Half Marathon in 2018 which took us down to Pairc Uí Chaoimh. This is what we should be doing showcasing Cork keep this at all costs (bar moving back to Monday).

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Andrew BurnsComment
Sonia O' Sullivan Cobh 10 Mile Road Race 2018

I am running in group of approximately 10 people we're breathing hard. I listen carefully for a moment we're all struggling against this hill and we're all panting. For a moment the sense of struggling together is reassuring.

The Cobh native and great former World Champion Sonia O' Sullivan was behind me and closing in fast.

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Andrew BurnsComment
Kenmare Bridge Run 10k March 2018

The race directors instructions were simple 'The route is sign posted and marshalled at every turn if you get lost you need to get your head examined' Common sense was the order of the day.

I was running alone up a tough hill, taking in the view and listening to the water trickle gently in the background. I was in running heaven.

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Andrew Burns
Dublin Marathon 2017 for Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind

Marathons are terrifying. Everybody knows if you're going to run a Marathon pain is inevitable in order to finish. Never mind running for time if you want to do that like I did then you accept that you will be in pain, you're going to run through it, you're going to force the issue and that when you finish you probably won't be able to stand upright  without feeling a twinge or ten ( ten is no understatement). 

With 200 metres to go my head my right hamstring locked. I was in trouble. 

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Andrew Burns
Race 1: Fingal 10k Dublin Marathon Race Series 2017

I noticed how excited we both were about this 10k race. We have run a 10k race before, a few times actually, but this was different this was the beginning of a journey. A metaphorical start line to a challenge that would take months and involve 4 races covering a total running distance of 89.3 km ending in an epic marathon. There was a palatable atmosphere about this race, a feeling that this was both one leg of a long journey and a test to see if you were fit enough to continue the journey

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Andrew Burns