John Buckley Sports | Cork City 10 Miler | St.Finbarrs AC


I’m a stone overweight so racing went out the window a long time ago for this one. I’m almost constantly tired. Hayfever is getting to me thankfully there is only about a month left of it this year. There is no excuse for my 77 minute finish. I’ve been living wrong lately.

You can see how my gate is a mess when I’m overweight

All of the above reversed and on top form wouldn’t have mattered because we were running in 21 degree heat and high humidity. That is little consolation for me I didn’t even get to try and that hurts. The best athletes in the world break records usually at temperatures between 10-15 degree’s celsius, 60-80% humidity with a light tailwind. The Cork City 10 Miler got beautiful weather but if you were a runner hunting a PB this wasn’t the night to hunt. That was a night to finish. Even though I knew what to do in tough running weather and I ran conservatively I still suffered. It’s very easy to blame something or someone here but that isn’t an explanation. I’m not training well enough. In summary better miles, nutrition, a reduction of at least a stone in bodyweight and strength training are required for the Clondalkin half marathon in October 2022.

All that in the mirror honesty aside somebody should tell the Cork City 10 Miler crew they did a superb job putting on a great race. I had a bad race at the return of the rolls royce 10 mile race in Cork City. The race organisers largely volunteers played a blinder. I have trained on the Sonia O’ Sullivan track with St. Finbarrs AC and I always admired their commitment to volunteering. They give huge commitment year in and year out to their club. This commitment delivered a brilliant 2022 John Buckley Sport Cork City 10 Miler. I couldn’t fault them. They made a great day of it. They located their HQ and held a day time expo in the marina market. I was invited to the Expo but I was racing so I chose not to attend the expo as a business but the invite shows how far they reached into their community and the miles they put in before setting us off on the all important 10 mile race.

My history at the Race

I was at the John Buckley Sport 10 Mile a number of years ago when it bucketed down on top of us and I seen 10 - 20 people quit after 4 miles. I think in terms of how many times I get wet at these races or parkrun. As long it’s once I aim to finish. In 2019 I turned up to race the day after my great friend Gavin’s wedding. I clocked 73 minutes that night and as I’m writing in 2022 I realise how far I’ve fallen. Life hasn’t hit me that hard lately. Maybe I’m going soft and need a disappointment to make me look at my running more honestly. My best years are here but finishing in 77 mins isn’t the time of someone who lost two minutes in the heat. That’s a decline in a lot of different areas.


Live A Little

The course itself is beautiful and largely flat. Beginning at the marina market we marched towards Pairc Uí Chaoimh and through the marina park. I caught up with Seamy from Glen River parkrun in the first few miles. I was midway talking him onto volunteeering as RD when he pulled away but he seemed keen. We absolutely have to put a parkrun in that marina park it’s magnificient. Around we went onto Monaghan Road and then back around for a cheer from the crowd on centre park road. We retraced on our foot steps down to Pairc Uí Chaoimh but this time we went straight down the Marina towards Blackrock pier. At this stage I was already feeling the heat. I sipped some water but my shirt was already sopping wet. From the pier we scrambled up the hill towards Blackrock castle. I had to avoid a car just before the castle grounds. I took in the moment as we came onto Lough Mahon Walk. The view was beautiful. When you visit soak this part in, live a little and listen to your breath. The water was calm that night and the sun was beaming down on top of us. I got about an 8 - 10 minute holiday during the race here. Once we swung around Jacobs Island and onto the old Railway line Finbarr Lehane caught up to me. He was on mile 18 of his long run perparing for the Dublin Marathon. We had a good chat and gave it a cut for the last 3 miles. The crowd was amazing on the finish line. After finishing I crawled off to the Docklands bar. I’ll need to do better next time.


Run this 10 mile in Cork when you’re fit and fast and you’ll have every chance of hitting a PB.

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